


In bottles of ketchup and jars of sauce, from the supermarket shelf to the dinner table, there’s a good chance the most basic ingredient—the tomato—begins its transformation at one of the three California facilities of The Morning Star Company in Merced and Colusa counties. Picking, inspecting and shipping is only the beginning. It takes a lot of work to turn today’s tomatoes into tomorrow's marinara—and like most any production process, care must be taken to manage emissions, minimize environmental impact and operate sustainably. That’s where John Zink Hamworthy Combustion, a Koch company, comes in. For more than two decades, Morning Star has relied on the equipment of JZHC to control its emissions, keeping on top of growing regulatory standards with innovative technology.

  • John Zink机器人焊接


  • 芦苇年轻

    JZHC的一名焊工使用控制排放的设备,很像晨星使用的设备。照片由Reed Young拍摄。

Chris Rufer成立于1970年,作为一辆卡车运作,将西红柿拖到其他罐头,今天的早晨明星占加州的四分之一以上,加工番茄运营,同时供应大约40%的美国番茄酱和切丁的西红柿。早晨的明星是全球许多企业和运营之一,利用JZHC的技术来减少排放,创造更高质量的产品,以帮助人们提高生活。

影响很清楚。通过与JZHC的伙伴关系和安装其污染防范技术,晨星在Colusa县的设施降低了NOx排放量(含氮氧化物),即使在加倍其容量时也会增加。在短短一年中,该设施将其NOx排放量减少了1,600磅 - 相当于约2,000罐的番茄汤 - 尽管每小时68万磅的小时蒸汽容量将其每小时68万磅倍增到每小时超过130万英镑。晨星锅炉运营商和排放合规经理Jon Ikerd表示,通过更强大的燃烧器和与Jzhc高级工程工程师史蒂夫波多茨和高级工程师克雷格·博物馆合作,“该公司实现了较低的排放和更高的锅炉效率。”




“Morning Star Company’s success is just one example of how JZHC’s pollution prevention technology has improved operations across companies in industries around the world,” said David H. Koch, executive vice president of Koch Engineered Solutions, who helped lead the company’s acquisition in the late 1980s. “We are focused on refining and growing our capabilities so that we can continue these mutually beneficial relationships.”

IKERD在其Colusa County Facility上表示,这两个锅炉使用更先进的排放防护技术,与对四个旧模型的操作参数的修改相结合,已经能够实现类似于扩展之前的类似拟合义务。
