


November 12, 2021

min read

加里·米勒(Gary Miller)最近在美国陆军服役的前海军陆战队员将其服务技能转化为科赫工业公司(Koch Industries)的新环境,这是一名人才招聘人员。




For the sixth time since 2015, VIQTORY, a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business, has recognized Koch Industries as a Military Friendly®employer for helping veteran employees excel in the civilian workforce, a recognition Koch has earned six of the past seven years. This year's award is one of the latest recognizing the company’s culture and ongoing efforts to provide meaningful career transitions for military veterans across the United States.

同样,科赫公司佐治亚太平洋公司也被任命为福布斯的乐动官网2021年清单美国最佳退伍军人的雇主after being chosen from a sample of 5,000 U.S. veterans working for companies employing at least 1,000 people in the U.S.

“We’re grateful for the continued recognition,” said Koch Talent Solutions Military Leader Vic Dennis. “As one of the largest and most diversified companies in America, we offer a variety of career opportunities that can fit each individual veteran’s passion and pursuit of self-actualization – continuing their lifelong journey of learning and contributing to society.”

科赫(Koch)兽医(Koch Vets)等科赫(Koch)的计划在他们的旅程中支持退伍军人,无论是在公司内部还是外部,他们都会开始工作。在Koch Company Infor,退伍军人信息网络(VIN)业务资源集团致力于通过论坛来赋予退伍军人及其盟友的权力,以分享知识。信息副法律顾问Ron Potempa, a Navy veteran, said such a forum is “not typically available in a corporate setting.”


了解有关退伍军人技能如何与Koch Companies的公开角色保持一致的更多信息:科赫careers.com/Veterans.