科赫工业公司Privacy Policy

©Copyright 2018, Koch Industries, Inc.
Last Updated: April 2020

Koch Industries,Inc。尊重个人对信息隐私的担忧。该全球政策适用于Koch Industries,其关联公司的个人信息实践(例如Flint Hills Resources,LLC; Invista Equities,LLC; Georgia-Pacific LLC; Molex,L乐动足球彩票LC;乐动官网 Guardian Industries Holdings,LLC; LLC; LP,LP,LP,LP,LP,LP; Koch Minerals&Trading,LLC; Koch AG&Energy Solutions,LLC;和Koch Engineered Solutions,LLC)及其子公司(一起,“ Koch Industries”)。制定了本隐私政策,以解释我们在网上,通过与我们的书面或口头通信,移动应用程序(“应用程序”),社交网络存在或其他来源的书面或口头通信在线,通过书面或口头通信在线或口头通信在网站上收集的个人信息的实践。尽管本隐私政策广泛地描述了我们在全球Koch行业中采用的实践,但地方法律也有所不同,一些司法管辖区可能对我们的处理活动施加限制。因此,我们在此类司法管辖区的实际做法可能比本文所述的实践更有限,以使我们能够遵守当地要求。本隐私政策不是合同,也不会产生任何合同权利或义务。


Personal Information We Collect and How We Use It


业务警报,新闻通讯和其他通讯 -您可以提供个人信息,例如您的姓名和联系方式,以接收业务警报,新闻通讯和其他通信(包括电子邮件)。使用您提供的信息向您发送所需的通信和信息并与您沟通有关我们的产品和服务是我们合法的商业利益。如果您不再希望我们向您发送业务警报,新闻通讯或其他通信,则可以通过在本隐私政策的“如何与我们联系”部分中提供的联系信息与我们联系,随时取消订阅。

业务目的- 在我们的网站和移动应用程序上,您可以使用您的个人信息注册,以访问与您与Koch Industries的业务关系或产品相关的信息。我们使用这些详细信息为您提供有关与我们的业务关系的信息,并促进您对网站或移动应用程序的使用。您也可以选择在贸易展览会或我们的分销商那里提供您的个人信息,或者我们可能会获得您的个人信息。使用此信息是我们合法的商业利益,以便我们可以管理我们的业务关系并进行营销和销售活动。


乐动电子游戏网址– Individuals from all over the world apply for jobs with Koch Industries through the Koch Careers or similar websites, third-party job posting sites, job fairs, or directly to the business locations. The information job seekers provide through this process is often maintained by third-party service providers. This information may be maintained in locations within the United States, accessible to our global recruiting team, and be shared with our corporate affiliates for the purpose of evaluating you for positions within our company. The information submitted by job seekers, such as name, contact details and any other information relevant to the application is used to evaluate their qualifications for employment and to contact them regarding possible employment opportunities. It is in our legitimate business interests to use this information in the selection process and to communicate with you, and it will be necessary to provide us with this information so that we can assess your application.


Contact– If you contact us with questions, requests or comments through a “Contact Us” link on our website, by similar means on Koch affiliates’ websites, or via the contact information provided in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy, we may process your personal information to verify your identity or to track the inquiry internally to ensure we respond to your questions, requests or comments.

比赛,抽奖,促销和电子商务- 如果您要求优惠券或希望参加与Koch Industries或我们的产品或服务有关的比赛,抽奖,促销或电子商务活动,我们可能会收集您的个人信息,例如您的姓名,联系方式和付款详细信息。如果您向我们提供另一个人的信息,则必须首先从该个人获得适当的同意,然后才向我们提供此信息,并以我们所指示的方式使用此信息。使用您的个人信息与您交流并处理您的请求和购买是我们合法的商业利益。当我们处理个人信息以满足我们的合法利益时,我们就建立了强大的保障措施,以确保您的隐私受到保护,并确保我们的合法利益不会超越您的利益或基本权利和自由。

合同义务– If you are a vendor or a contractor, we may ask you to provide personal information such as your name, photo, contact details or business and financial details to establish and administer your account, process payments, and for compliance with internal and legal requirements (which may include medical testing and monitoring requirements, where applicable). We use your information for this purpose so that we can comply with our contractual obligations to you.

Feedback– You may be able to submit feedback on our websites. If you choose to give us your feedback, we may ask you for your personal information. We may also ask you about your experience using our websites. It is in our legitimate business interests to use the information you provide to enhance our websites, evaluate the quality of our products, or to communicate with you about products and services.

Incidents and Allegations– When you provide information about an incident or allegation, detailed personal information including your name, contact details and any relevant information about the incident or allegation may be collected. We use these details to investigate and comply with any applicable company or legal requirement. We may transfer and disclose your information to third parties as required in the course of the investigation or to comply with any legal obligation related to the information you provide.

Information Technology/Physical Security– We may collect personal information when detecting and defending against security threats in accordance with our legitimate business interests and our legal obligations. We use various IT tools to detect and defend against online security threats (e.g., attacks, viruses, malware, spam, phishing, malicious web content), to promote business continuity of our information systems and assets, and to maintain optimal performance of our IT systems. Likewise, to ensure physical security of our facilities we may, where permitted under local law, document your presence or verify your identity, use surveillance systems and/or location tracking while you are on Company property.

Other Uses of Information– We may use the personal information you provide to us for internal general business purposes in accordance with our legitimate business interests. These purposes include administration of our websites, data analytics, fraud prevention and compliance with our legal obligations, standards, policies and procedures (i.e., due diligence checks and sanction screening where applicable).

Scholarships, Grants and Awards- 您可以提供个人信息,例如您的姓名,联系方式,教育详细信息,就业详细信息,资格,奖励等。申请Koch Industries提供的奖学金,赠款或奖励。使用您在选择过程中提供的信息,与您交流并发布收件人列表是我们合法的商业利益。您有必要为我们提供所需的信息,以便我们可以评估您的申请。




聚合信息- 汇总的用户信息不会亲自识别您或任何其他用户(例如,我们可以汇总用户信息以计算具有特定电话区域代码的用户的百分比)。根据本隐私政策对汇总数据进行处理。

App Usage Data- 当您下载和使用应用程序时,我们和我们的服务提供商可能会跟踪和收集应用程序使用数据,例如设备上的应用程序的日期和时间访问我们的服务器以及基于您的应用程序和文件已下载到应用程序设备编号。

浏览器和设备信息——某些信息收集的大多数浏览器s or automatically through your device, such as your computer type, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, Internet browser type and version and the name and version of the online services (such as the apps) you are using. We use this information to ensure that the online services function properly.

Cookies- cookie是直接存储在您使用的计算机或移动设备上的信息。Cookies允许我们收集浏览器类型,在线服务上花费的时间,访问的页面,推荐URL和其他汇总网站流量数据等信息。我们和我们的服务提供商将信息用于安全目的,促进导航,更有效地显示信息,收集统计信息以及在线时个性化您的体验。

Cookies further allow us to select which of our advertisements or offers are most likely to appeal to you and display them while you are on the online services or to send you advertisements and marketing emails. We may also use cookies or other technologies to track responses to our online advertisements and marketing emails. You can opt out of such interest-based advertising using cookies set by participating NAI members at: http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#!/. Opting out of interest-based advertising does not mean you will no longer see advertising online. It does mean that the company or companies from which you opt out will no longer show ads that have been tailored to your interests.

如果您不希望通过使用cookie收集信息,那么大多数浏览器中都有一个简单的过程,使您可以自动拒绝cookie或选择下降或接受转移到特定cookie(或cookie)的计算机的转移来自特定网站。您可以选择是通过更改浏览器上的设置,还是根据管辖区的不同来接受cookie,通过管理单独发布的cookie语句或通过张贴的cookie Manager中指出的跟踪首选项来管理您的跟踪首选项。但是,如果您不接受cookie,则可能会给您带来一些不便。例如,我们可能无法识别您的计算机,您可能需要每次访问时登录。您也可能不会收到与您的利益和需求相关的广告或其他报价。目前,我们没有对浏览器“不做轨道”信号做出回应,除了在法律要求我们必须这样做的司法管辖区。

IP Address– Your IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to the computer that you are using by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). An IP address may be identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user accesses the online services, along with the time of the visit and the page(s) that were visited. Collecting IP addresses is standard practice and is done automatically by many websites, applications and other services. We use IP addresses for purposes such as calculating usage levels, diagnosing server problems and administering our online services. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address to understand from what regions of the world our website visitors come.

Geolocation Based Services– We may collect geolocation data (i.e., the physical location of your device) if you have consented to us doing so, by, for example, using satellite, mobile phone tower, Wi-Fi signals, or other technologies. We may use your device’s physical location to provide you with location-based services and content.


Pixel Tags or Similar Technologies- 与某些在线服务相关的像素标签(也称为Web信标和清晰的GIF),除其他外,还可以跟踪在线服务用户的行为(包括电子邮件收件人),衡量我们的营销活动的成功并汇编有关在线服务和响应率的使用的统计数据。我们还使用Google Analytics(分析)和Facebook像素,该像素使用cookie和类似技术来收集和分析有关我们服务的信息的信息,并报告活动和趋势。这些服务可能会收集有关使用其他网站,应用程序和在线资源的信息。您可以通过去了解Google的做法www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/,并通过下载Google Analytics(Analytics)选择退出浏览器附加组件选择退出,可在https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout。You can learn about Facebook’s practices by going tohttps://www.facebook.com/ads/about/?entry_product=ad_preferences和访问选择退出http://www.aboutads.info/choiceshttp://www.youronlinechoices.eu/



业务转移- 我们可能会披露您的个人信息,使用信息以及有关您的其他信息,以获取部分或所有资产以及律师和顾问。如果我们将您的信息转移到收购方,我们将采取合理的努力指导收购方以与本隐私政策一致的方式使用您的信息。另外,如果通过或反对我们进行任何破产或重组程序,则您的信息可能被视为可以出售或转让给第三方的公司资产。

公司分支机构 -We may share the information you provide (such as information about your orders, enquiries, applications or use of our websites) within Koch Industries and with Koch affiliates for purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We do this to run our business more efficiently and to have a better understanding of our customers across business lines.

Law Enforcement Agencies, Courts, Regulators, Government Authorities or other Third Parties- 我们可以将您的信息转移并披露您的信息(i)以遵守法律义务,(ii)当我们真诚地相信法律要求法律要求时,(iii)应政府当局的要求(iii)(iii)((iii)((iv)验证或执行我们的政策,使用条款和其他协议,或保护科赫工业,我们的客户或其他(v)的权利,财产或安全以应对紧急情况,(vi)对于防止人身伤害或经济损失或与可疑或实际非法活动的调查有关或(vii)是必要或适当的。

营销合作伙伴- 在某些情况下,我们可能会允许某些网络广告公司和出版商在我们的网站上收集个人信息。此外,在法律允许的情况下,我们的业务合作伙伴可以访问有关您与此类业务合作伙伴数据相结合的个人信息。与我们的业务合作伙伴的合作使用组合的信息集是共同向您发送量身定制的促销通信。如果您不希望接收这些联合通信,则可以按照任何此类通信中包含的说明选择退出。

非个人信息– We may share non-personal information, such as aggregate user statistics, demographic information, and usage information with third parties.

在您的同意下分享- 我们的服务可能会为您提供机会选择从第三方接收信息或营销优惠,或者以其他方式同意与第三方共享您的信息。如果您同意共享您的个人信息,则您的个人信息将被披露给第三方的第三方的隐私通知和商业惯例。

Third-Party Service Providers– In order to carry out your requests, to make various features, services and materials available to you through the services, to respond to your inquiries, and for other purposes described in the “How We Use Your Information” section of this Privacy Policy, we may share your personal information or usage information with third parties that perform functions on our behalf (or on behalf of our partners), such as companies or individuals that: host or operate our sites; analyse data; provide customer service; mail product samples or manage payments; advertisers; sponsors or other third parties that participate in or administer our promotions, e-commerce activities, provide marketing or promotional assistance (such as in connection with winner selection, prize fulfilment, and as required by law, such as on a winners list), or assist with risk management, compliance, legal and audit functions. These service providers are not authorised by us to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements.

商业交易- 我们提供某些促进企业之间交易的应用程序(例如,有助于负载交付或接送服务的运输应用程序)。如果您使用我们的业务应用程序之一,我们可能会与该应用程序的其他用户共享您的信息,以促进您与其他用户之间的交易和通信。


Automated Decisions About You


  • Automated processing may be used when evaluating large numbers of applicants for job vacancies. For these purposes we would request that you create a profile and answer some job-related questions to evaluate your skills as compared to the published job requirements. An algorithm may then be used to determine which candidates will be allowed to proceed to the next step within the selection process. We consider this data and process to be relevant because it will assist us to select the applicant most suitable for our vacancies. The outcome of the evaluation may have an impact on whether you are offered a role for the vacancy to which you applied.

你可以联系我们通过联系信息支持vided in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy to request further information about automated decision-making, object to our use of automated decision-making, or request an automated decision to be reviewed by us if required by local law.


我们的某些服务和社交网络功能可能使您能够提交自己的内容供公共发布。您以这种方式发布的信息成为公共信息,不受本隐私政策的约束。我们网站和社交媒体页面的某些领域可能使用户能够向Koch Industries或其分支机构提交个人信息。此类信息将根据网站的隐私政策使用。帖子,信件和其他意见成为Koch Industries的财产,可以全部或部分复制您的名字,包括任何目的,以任何方式。

Links to Other Sites

Our websites and communications may provide links to other websites, including to social networks or partners that may use our logo(s) as part of a co-branding agreement. To the extent that any linked services are not provided by Koch Industries, we are not responsible for the services, or any of the content found on these websites. If you provide information on and use third-party services or websites, the privacy policy and terms of service on those sites are applicable. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of websites that you visit before submitting personal information.


In proportion to the sensitivity of the information, we maintain reasonable administrative, technical and/or physical safeguards and appropriate security measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the information you provide. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information, as no electronic data transmission or storage of information is completely secure. If an incident is reported affecting your information, we will investigate and comply with all required reporting obligations.


科赫工业公司(Koch Industries)是一个全球组织(总部位于美国),在许多国家 /地区开展业务。我们可能会在Koch行业,其分支机构,我们的服务提供商和其他第三方之间共享您的个人信息,这些信息可能位于您自己之外的国家。尽管这些国家的数据保护法可能与您自己国家的数据保护法不同,但我们已经建立了适当的保障措施(例如合同承诺),以确保按照本隐私政策所述处理您的个人信息,并符合根据法律。对于欧盟以外的数据传输,其中包括欧盟委员会批准的标准合同条款。有关适当的保障措施的更多信息,请通过本隐私政策的“如何与我们联系”部分中提供的联系信息与我们联系。


我们将保持你的个人信息的as we have a relationship with you. Once our relationship with you has come to an end, we will retain your personal information for a period of time that enables us to:

  • Maintain business records for analysis and/or audit purposes
  • 遵守法律的记录保留要求
  • 捍卫或提出任何现有或潜在的法律索赔
  • 解决有关服务的任何投诉

We will delete your personal information when it is no longer required for these purposes. If there is any information that we are unable, for technical reasons, to delete entirely from our systems, we will put in place appropriate measures to prevent any further processing or use of the data.



  • access your personal information;
  • correct the information we hold about you;
  • 删除您的个人信息;
  • restrict our use of your personal information;
  • 反对我们使用您的个人信息;
  • withdraw your consent for us to use your personal information, if applicable;
  • 以可用的电子格式接收您的个人信息,并将其传输到第三方(数据可移植性权);和
  • lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority (if applicable).

We encourage you to contact us to update or correct your information if it changes or if the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate. Please note that we will likely require additional information from you in order to verify your identity and respond to your requests. If you would like to discuss or exercise your applicable rights, subject to limitations established under local law, please contact us via the contact information provided in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy. We will respond to you within a reasonable time and within the time limits established by applicable law.




加利福尼亚: If you are a California resident and have provided us with your personal information, you may ask us to refrain from sharing your personal information with third parties, including our affiliates if they are separate legal entities, for direct marketing purposes. Please tell us your preference by contacting us via the contact information in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy. Georgia-Pacific’s California consumers can clickhere访问佐治亚州太平洋的乐动官网加利福尼亚消费者隐私声明。

Updates to Our Privacy Policy




Compliance & Ethics Department
威奇托,KS 67201-2256,美国
乐动足球彩票Flint Hills Resources,LLC
Compliance & Ethics Department
威奇托,KS 67201-2256,美国
Compliance & Ethics Department
乐动官网乔治亚 - 太平洋有限责任公司
Privacy Office
Guardian Industries Holdings, LLC
Compliance & Ethics Department
Auburn Hills,MI 48326,美国
Compliance & Ethics Department
Koch Ag & Energy Solutions, LLC
Compliance & Ethics Department
P.O.Box 2985
威奇托,KS 67201-2985,美国
Koch Minerals & Trading, LLC
Compliance & Ethics Department
威奇托,KS 67201-2256,美国
Koch Business Solutions,LP
Compliance & Ethics Department
威奇托,KS 67201-2256,美国