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When Santiago “Santi” Castillo’s mother, Socorro, came to America in the 1990s, she brought with her a dream of one day owning her own business. Over the years, that dream would evolve from pushing a fruit cart, to running a fruit stand, to opening her own brick-and-mortar storefront: Las Delicias ICT, a small juice and ice cream shop situated inside a north Wichita, Kansas, strip mall.

Empower Evergreen Las Delicias


With two years of experience working as a product control analyst with Koch Minerals and Trading, Santi has been able to take the skills and knowledge he’s gained as a Koch employee and apply some of the company’s基于市场的管理™原理他的家人经营拉斯delicias的方式。但是,Koch间接地对Castillo家族的小型企业产生了另一种方式,这是通过公司与Empower Evergreen

授权常青是一个非盈利性组织launched in 2021 with a mission to provide educational programming, workforce development, life skills training, guidance and support to small businesses within Wichita’s North End Hispanic community – businesses just like Las Delicias. For Santi, working with Empower Evergreen is a mutually beneficial opportunity to better learn how he and his family can take their business to the next level. But it’s also a platform through which he can offer up his own experience and background as a resource for others.

“We’re in an area where the poverty rate is a little bit higher and a knowledge gap (exists) when it comes to different business practices in general,” says Santi. “I think this is going to help bridge that gap, letting people know that there are organizations, loans and different resources they can use to start their dreams and become successful.”

Empower Evergreen Las Delicias


桑蒂说:“我们已经说了很多次,这只是开始。”“我们想回馈比什么都重要 - 回馈我们的社区并继续发展 - 因为我们的社区将我们带到了现在的位置。我们还希望继续扩展并在其他企业可以仰望的北侧建立一个机构。”


Hear more from Santi and Socorro in this episode ofThe Picture, a Koch Industries Spotlight Series讲述了科赫家乡威奇托,堪萨斯州威奇托的励志故事。